Four major mysteries of physics solved! Including the Duality of Light!

Now that we’ve covered the 4 key concepts of the D Construction model – it’s time to see what it can actually explain and solve in the world of physics and beyond. So starting with time, and although I’ve covered this earlier it’s important enough to highlight it again and emphasise just how this model differs from anything that has gone before. No other model or effort to explain time has come up with a definition of exactly what it is. Einstein spoke many times on the subject of time and perhaps his most famous quote is that time was an illusion – which really doesn’t explain what it is at all. Indeed just search through all the definitions of time you can find and none of them describe exactly what it is – only what the effect of it is. This is very important distinction and one that can easily be overlooked when trying to understand the nature of the universe. So to reiterate what our D Construction model defines time is:

“The movement between two (or more) dimensional objects in a higher spatial dimension.”

I regard this as the first and perhaps the most important great mystery of physics solved by the model. It defines exactly what time is, as we perceive the changes which are the direct result of higher dimensional interactions. Show me any other definition that has ever done that.

Now that we’ve sorted out the definition of time – can we do the same for matter and energy? These two have never been completely explained, and you only have to look at how matter is described along the lines of it’s stuff that is made up of smaller stuff, which isn’t wrong but again it doesn’t get to the nub of what it really is and why there is physical form at all, let alone answer the question of the inertia it possesses. These things are still a mystery to the scientific community, but no longer to the D Construction model which simply defines matter as:

“Matter is all the lower dimensional interactions of GeNions referenced from the perspective of our 4th dimensional time arrow.”

Hopefully you will see the specificity of the definition and how it describes what matter is and how it is made. And yes it’s made up of smaller stuff, but this time it’s the humble GeNion which we already know is the base zero dimensional object. The only mystery left here is where do these GeNions come from – and that two can be logically reasoned, albeit a tad speculative, from the model’s perspective too. This is all matter really is – it is the base GeNion that is locally interacting within the first 3 dimensions, and the time frames of these interactions are what we perceive as matter.

On the subject of inertia which is a little more complex, our model does explain that too as it is the result of multi dimensional referencing from each of the time arrows, which I won’t go into here in any real depth as it does indeed take a bit of explaining to make clear.

Moving on to the 3rd great mystery that is energy, this is actually incredibly straightforward and simple once we understand the definition of matter. It has often been remarked that matter is just a different state of energy, and whilst yes there is some truth to that it doesn’t really make it clear what the actual difference is. So without further ado here it is:

“Energy is the transferable combination of values, or time frames of dimensional referencing by our 4th dimensional time arrow.”

This basically means that energy is matter without the GeNion referencing it. As the dimensional values of the GeNions interactions can be changed/ exchanged into different dimensions and their zones. And this really explains the key feature of energy very precisely. Now of course it’s a little more complicated than that, as matter needs certain quantised levels in order to exist from our perspective. Just imagine the orbital of an electron, this cannot exist if there is half the orbital, so it doesn’t. Thus the dimensional references that can be moved or changed to other dimensional areas have to always leave the GeNion in a state of complete existence. However, the basic definition still holds true.

The final (for today anyway) great mystery of physics and perhaps the best know puzzle that has stumped the entire world for centuries concerns the duality paradox of light – is it a particle or a wave?

This is where language and our first instincts to describe light have actually hindered our ability to understand it. All the way back in the 17th century, Huygens described light as a wave to as a means to explain diffraction. And contrarily Newton thought that light was made up of individual packets which we now call photons. Fast forward 100 years or so and in 1801 Thomas Young invented the famous double slit experiment which seemed to provide proof that light was indeed a wave as it’s diffraction pattern was very similar to the pattern one would expect if we substituted waves in water for light. Later on however, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect which seemed to provide evidence that light did come in packages like a particle rather than light. So was born the duality of light – it behaves as a particle in some experiments and like a wave in others. So this begs the ultimate question – can our D Construction model explain it?

We’ve actually already done it, light is energy – it is simply the localised references of GeNion’s dimensional interactions (without the GeNion), travelling through our 3 dimensional reality. It is not a wave or a particle at all, but behaves like both in different circumstances because when it interacts, the dimensional references it contains can be changed and used in different dimensions. And that’s it – a paradox that has puzzled the world for 300+ years finally put to bed….

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