Forth Key Concept – Linking Dimensional Objects and what they really are!

The forth and final Key concept for our D Construction model describes the close interactions between dimensional objects. Previously I described how we can create dimensional objects simply by combining their movements in a specific higher dimensional time frame which forms them. From the zero dimensional GeNion to 1, 2 and 3 dimensional objects these basic interactions are attractive and form the higher dimensions.

However, something interesting happens when these dimensional objects get so close that their own dimensional referencing interferes with each other. This same dimensional interference causes a repulsion between the dimensional objects as they cannot reference the same dimensions in the same location. This actually already has a name in physics which is the Pauli exclusion principle, and it applies across the dimensions and is not limited to electron shells, which is covered in the book.

However, there is a caveat to this same dimensional repulsion and that is if you insert a different dimensional object in the middle of this interaction it actually dimensionally references this area and creates a linking object holding the 2 original dimensional objects together.

For example, if we take two simple 1 dimensional strings, which I described previously, they quite naturally attract in the second dimension. But when they get close enough their own 1 dimensional referencing interfere with each other causing them to repel, this overcomes the natural dimensional attraction and they move apart. However, the area or zone that these two 1 dimensional objects create between them itself can be referenced by another, different dimensional object, in this case a 2 dimensional object. Once this is squeezed in, it provides a binding link between the original 1 dimensional objects holding them together as if they were a single object.

This holds true for every dimensional sized object, apart from the GeNion which is a zero dimensional object and has no dimensional footprint. Now it is at this point that I desperately need to give some context to what has so far been quite a metaphysical concept of how our universe works. So in order to start relating it to our reality, we will discover how this model fits in with our present view of physics.

Starting with the 1 dimensional string we formed earlier – this is the humble Proton. Which simply means that the GeNion that subsequently interacts with this string is an Electron. This actually is reinforced by many suggestions that the electron is a zero dimensional object already by the scientific community. This interaction of the electron with the proton when referenced in 3 dimensional space is an atom, and I have likened this final interaction to the spinning of a coin.

Thus, the proton is a 1 dimensional string – the electron is a zero dimensional object interacting with that string in 2 dimensions forming a “coin” shape and finally that coin is spun in the 3rd dimension creating the atom which complete describes and explains the property of “spin”.

The other base particle is the neutron, and I’ve already described exactly how that is formed above, it is the 2 dimensional object, which curiously is exactly the same as the atom itself (a 1 dimensional string orbited by a zero dimensional object) but squeezed into the linking zone between the two protons. As odd as this might sound this actually completely explains nuclear fusion with ease as well as both + and – beta radiation, which again is fully explained in the book.

On a side note, the standard model particles are all completely explained by this model. They are not actually individual particles at all, just different specific references of the dimension interactions within the atom – and yet again this is fully explained and covered in the book!

It is only when atoms interact with each other that we enter the 3 dimensional world and it is the same linking mechanism I described early that forms covalent bonding between the atoms creating molecules.

The same linking logic applies to the 3 dimensional molecules, creating a link which we have mistaken for ionic bonding. Although this is a very simplistic explanation as there is a lot more going on which I delve into in depth in the book, however, this is a good place to start.

Thus our model now is ready to apply to our reality and see what it can explain and mysteries it solves in a very practical, logical and reasoned manner. And this is what I’ll do in the next blog.

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