What is the D Construction Model?

The D Construction (or Dimension Construction) model switches our perspective of reality from one where we currently view the spacetime continuum as the fabric of reality and everything inside this obeys these arbitrary laws and interactions accordingly – to a more natural unprescribed reality where it is the interactions of the objects themselves which create and form our time and dimensions and any perceived laws, or constants are the result of those combined interactions of all the objects in the universe.

In this sense it truly is a theory of everything as it lays out and defines these dimensional interactions with deep clarity, explaining and contextualizing many, if not all, schools of science within its framework. From string theory to superconductivity, everything is explained and contextualised in plain English which explains and resolves many of the mysteries in physics.

What the D Construction model doesn’t do?

The model doesn’t ignore any evidence or perceived evidence – indeed it uses the current scientific evidence to reinforce its new perspective. For example: Each particle in the standard model is completely explained thoroughly in respect to the concepts that the model lays out. Time dilation and relativity is also explained in this new perspective which hopefully makes it easier to understand and digest. Nothing is ignored or cast off as inconvenient – everything can be explained by this model. The only thing this model doesn’t do is tell you how to make a really nice cup of tea.

Who are you?

I’m GeNie, the author, and I will be your guide on this journey of changing our perspective of reality in the easiest way possible, so as not to cause undue stress or confusion to our consciousnesses!

Where can I find out more about the D Construction model?

Currently there are two options

1) you can buy the book here – D Construction Model Book – for which I will be very grateful. The book is a far more in depth, slower and easier paced journey through the construction of the dimensions, which hundreds of diagrams to help you visualise and understand how everything works.

2) or read through the blogs I post on this site, starting with this one: First Key Concept – The GeNion – D Construction Model (wordpress.com) and following the sequence. However, this blog is primarily an additional tool to give support, clarification and additional depth to the Book. Even though I include all the key information that is needed here and I’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible – it might well be a little undigestible in places given the scope and scale of the entire model.

How much are you using AI?

AI was not used at all for the writing of the book and all its concepts and exposition. My bad spelling and grammar mistakes should testify to that! The blogs with ChatGPT’s responses are literally just that – they are how it responded when I fed it the blogs I’ve already posted. I included them here as I was pleasantly surprised with just how much it appeared to make sense of and understand the concept. I hope its responses will further aid people understand some of the concepts of the model too.

How can I help?

Well just read it! Hopefully you’ll enjoy it and tell other people about it. Although I daresay not many dinner dates might appreciate that! But hey, give it a shot, maybe you too can experience that distant glazed over look from across the table!

The full index can be found here: Contents page – D Construction Model (wordpress.com)

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